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Home : Honor Cords : Honor Cord Colors : gold-honor-cords


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Product Code:gold-honor-cords

Gold Honor Cords are our most popular seller in this category. Sets comes with two twisted cords. Each cord has a tassel on the end for a total of four tassels. Sets are shipped together tied or separately, however you choose. Each half-cord is around thirty inches long, measured from knot to end of tassel, which put it at about sixty inches long spread out. Tassels are about four inches long. Made from rayon (we do not offer silk). You can mix and match different color cords together.

Alternative names for these products are honors cord, honor chords, and honors chords.

Typical Uses

These gold honor cords are typically used for recognition of individual achievement and participation. They're generally worn during a commencement ceremony. Honor chords are used by colleges, universities, community college, high schools, and some middle schools and homeschools Who Buys Honor Cords

Usually purchased by a member of an honors society, fraternity, sorority, department recognition coordinator, or for summa cum laude, magna cum laude, or cum laude awards. Honor Societies using Gold

Gold is the most popular color for honor cords and honor stoles. It's used by many an honor society for university and college graduations. The following honor societies use gold honor cords, gold honor stoles, or a shade of gold (like yellow, lemon, or science gold) as a primary color for honor ceremonies: National Society of Collegiate Scholars, Alpha Beta Gamma, Alpha Chi, Alpha Lambda Delta, Alpha Phi Sigma, Alpha Pi Mu, Beta Gamma Sigma, Delta Epsilon Sigma, Delta Mu Delta, Delta Tau Alpha, Eta Kappa Nu. Gamma Theta Upsilon, Kappa Omicron Nu, Kappa Tau Alpha. Lambda Iota Tau, Lambda Pi Eta, Lambda Sigma, Mu Kappa Tau, Omicron Delta Epsilon. Phi Eta Sigma, Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Sigma. Phi Sigma Iota, Phi Upsilon Omicron, Pi Alpha Alpha. Pi Omega Pi, Pi Theta Epsilon, Psi Beta, Sigma Alpha Lambda, Sigma Delta Pi. Sigma Lambda Alpha, Sigma Lambda Chi, and Tau Alpha Pi.

Official known honor society links for those that use a version of gold as part of their honorcords are listed below: