Red White and Blue honor cords are
very recognizable amongst students, veterans,
organizations and universities.
These beautifully made cords are very popular for
someone who has been in the armed forces; most
universities recognize the cords as to someone
who was prior service, or a person who is a part
of ROTC, or JROTC.
No matter how this cord is represented people will
always relate these cords to something patriotic.
Eagle scouts are another organization that uses the
cords to distinguish the achievement of graduating
high school with years dedicated to achieving the
Eagle Scout rank.
The French honor society uses the red, white, and
blue honor cords to represent themselves, along
with societe honorair de francais, a high school
French honor club.
This cord is possibly our most popular
cord in use, without a doubt Frank bee does it
again showing its true colors, RED WHITE, and